These are a series of random collections of stories and lessons.

The Cold Bubble

Has anyone heard of such siring pain in you forehead that there is nothing to do but feel like banging your head against the wall. Well my friend then you have the cold bubble. This cold bubble comes and goes in its mysterious ways. It travels through wind and travels up the nostrils of yours and mines to make you learn some day of these colds you must fight away. You don’t feel it until your inside some place warm. The sudden change from hot to cold has its way of making it a catalyst for the cold bubble to appear. Medicine may help, a long bath or even just a well night rest but what I find the most encouraging is giving it a piece of your mind. Giving it all the precautions your doctor would say when you have a cold I would suggest giving it a fierce talk to stop its trouble some work. Maybe be go again, stop it, or even is such extreme case **** off. These are ways to get even or have the superior dominance of winning over this bubble. Either way its something to help you to get even with the disease that has cause you so much harm. The more you stress, the more you fear the bubble will feel a thousand times worse than what it really is. This bubble teaches more that just to be caution, it helps you develop that long lost skills of courage, perseverance and reliance.  Give it all you got even give it a little a tug and war, when you know you have been winning all this time is when you realize that when your mind is off it tend to flow away. It gives everything you got, nothing more than a mental challenge that can be fought with just a simple thought. Don’t give that next cold bubble a chance.